We are Land Specialists that take Pride in our Work

With a commitment to produce quality over quantity, our clients and customers can trust that we will customize our approaches to their needs and get what you would hope you would from any real estate pofessional.  Landowners: Our land specialists are detail-oriented and strive to gather all information up front to custom-tailor the real estate marketing to your specific property. We are quality media heavy and produce most photos and videos in house to ensure we can create the feel and capture the selling points for prospective buyers before placing on relevant nation-wide platforms.  Buyers: it is not uncommon for folks that have a sense of relief when looking at property with us. We don't answer, "I don't know" often, but if we do, we get the answers. So many of our clients are worn out from looking at property with agents that do not understand rural property. If you're looking for land for sale, a farm for sale, or a rural home, call us and ask us all the questions!


We focus on Wright, Texas, Douglas, Ozark, Shannon, Webster and Howell Counties but have sold in many more.Towns in those counties include but aren't limited to Mountain Grove, Norwood, Houston, Cabool, Ava, Gainesville, Tecumseh, Seymour, Fordland, and more!

We sell the lifestyle that we live.